Where in the world is the Azores?

This is the NUMBER ONE question that gets asked about this film!

Interestingly, it has been observed by the filmmaker that most people will NOT ADMIT that they do not know or simply follow along and pretend to know, as to be polite.

This is an interesting angle that will be exploited in the documentary to establish mystery, intrigue and real human reactions to a simple question: where in the world is the Azores?

The goal of the footage below was to establish that most people have never heard of the Azores and even those that have struggle to find it on a map.

The answer to the question is deliberately not given as to create curiosity, intrigue and mystery.  Anyone can do a google search and there is something about not answering the question … promo? teaser? or style?

Note: this footage will NOT be used in the actual documentary (it was shot in HD, not 4K) as the intention of it was to be used for the PreViz and for promotional purposes only.